Gerhard Pariser

Oryx Stainless AG, SVP & Head of Group Strategy

Gerhard Pariser, Oryx Stainless Group. I would like to congratulate SMR Steel & Metals Market Research and SMR Events for organizing again a fantastic event.

This edition of the International Stainless & Special Steel Conference did not just break an attendance record, in my view the team again managed particularly a highly interesting range and a highly interesting range of speakers and highly interesting program once more showing its feeling for what’s happening on the ground and for the issues and topics that the industry in this particular segment is facing. And even going a step further – providing outlooks, future perspectives as well as food for thought and later discussion.

All in all, an excellent conference, well-balanced program, a great place to meet old and new colleagues and new contacts.

Thank you SMR for this and I am already looking forward to the next meeting in Rome 2024.

Thank you!