Roberto Bertin
Group Sales Director, Acciaierie Valbruna SpA
On January 1st, 2011 Roberto BERTIN, was appointed Group Sales Director for Acciaierie Valbruna SpA with HQ in Vicenza-Italy.
He graduated from the University of Padua in 1996 with a thesis on the development of Long Products in Base-Ni Superalloys with Acciaierie Valbruna SpA.
Since then he has had both technical and commercial roles within the Valbruna organization, first as Product Manager promoting and developing the international markets for Titanium and Nickel Alloys products, then moving to the role of Sales Director in charge of coordinating the commercial activities for the Valbruna network of companies. This role includes European distribution as well as overseas locations with a focus on the development of Special Products and expansion of the Valbruna products into target markets.