Ruilin Pei
CEO, Suzhou Inn-Mag New Energy Ltd
Mr. Ruilin Pei, Ph.D., professor-level senior engineer, special expert of National Thousand Talents Program; Bachelor degree from Xi‘an Jiaotong University, Ph.D. in Electrical Motor from Cambridge University, UK; Senior Member of IEEE, Director of IET Shanghai Sub-Committee, Shanghai Excellent Technology Leader.
He used to work in Baosteel for 10 years. As the leader, he has been responsible for 8 R&D projects at home and abroad; participated in 3 national “863” major projects, 1 national natural science fund key project and 4 other projects; published a professional translation; he has 40 patents and 6 technical secrets, and has published more than 60 papers (30 SCI/EI searches).
剑桥大学电机专业博士学位,IEEE高级会员, IET上海分委会理事,上海市优秀技术带头人。曾在宝钢